Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Garden, Part Deux

There has been some success in our garden this year, thanks to our friend Andres helping us out with the plants. Thus far, we have:

- Our small orange tree that we bought in honor of Christopher. It's still in a smaller pot, and Jen wants to put it in something bigger this week.
- Spaghetti squash in the backyard garden.
- Peppers in the garden (cayenne, habanero, jalapeno, Peruvian, Serrano, and Thai) as well as some in pots out front (more jalapeno and habanero, plus poblano and Carolina Reaper, the hottest pepper in the world.)
- Some herbs: cilantro, basil and parsley.
- Tomatoes
- Corn

We hope that we'll have more to plant this fall: zucchini, lettuce, brocolli and spinach, plus some others

The field of corn, with a view of our apple tree

Closer look at our field

The corn is almost taller than our house!

Carolina Reaper
Cilantro. Jen has to stay away from it, though; she's allergic.

Our first round got us about 30 tomatoes