Friday, August 29, 2014

Yes, Even More Paintings

We are both really getting the painting bug! In the past month we've done one painting at home, Jen did one with her friends, and we did a partner painting together! We are both enjoying the fruits of our labors, even if we are running out of wall space around here to hang everything up!!

Our partner paint project. Can you tell which one was Jeff and which was Jen?
Jen's "At Home" project. Can you guess what this was from ?
This was Jen going rogue at Paint Nite! Again, another "book-inspired" painting.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Garden

This is the first year we've been able to do a real garden. Usually we just put plants in the front yard out of fear that the dogs will tear up and kill everything in the backyard. This year, though, Jeff and his friend Andres were able to do more.

We have two little gardens right now. The first is out front: A row of tomato plants in potters, next to the small orange tree we bought for Chris, and a few pepper plants. Our backyard, however, took more work.

We were able to actually fence off an area of the yard with posts and wire to keep the critters out, and for the most part it's been good. We were also able to get some compost to help with the plants. Right now, only the corn seems to be doing well, but at least we have a section ready for when we want to plant more stuff!

Pepino supervising Andres

Posts all laid out

They misunderstood about planting the Pepinos (cucumbers)

Finished product!

A Random Dog Post

It seems like, for the most part, the dogs have all been having their own little stories, so for giggles, I thought I'd just do a little update on the furry Perry people!

Jakey has been the least troublesome dog in our pack. His little grumble is never more than him being vocal. Lately, he and Callie have been best buddies, and whenever I look out the two of them are chasing and playing with each other. Today, he did get into a little trouble. Our next door neighbors have a female husky and her puppy, and Jake has tried to get through the fence to "meet" the other dogs.

Callie is just a big baby! When she is in the yard, she is either barking at her "siblings" or carrying a "baby" around. Her babies can be anything, usually stuffed animals, but she's been seen carrying other things, like socks, plastic bottles, even poor Pepino! Despite her big size and scary appearance, she's probably the sweetest of our monsters and loves everyone. Jen has been taking her for walks on her own to work on her "heeling", and whenever she sees another dog she doesn't get the chance to meet or sniff, she cries.

Pepino has been doing well. For those that don't know, Pepino is our only dog that is not yet fixed. We wanted to get his seizures under control, and now that they are, we were waiting for the next one to hit, since he may have one when he comes out of the anesthetic of the surgery. The only "problem"? As of this posting, he is 178 days without a seizure, and the one before that was about 100 days prior! We wanted to get him fixed over the summer so Jen's sister could watch him, but it never happened. We'll just have to figure something else out!


Ichabod has been keeping busy. One of our good friends is planning on running several 5k races next year and we offered up Ichabod as a running partner. It was a win all around: our friend can run with a security guard, Ichabod gets some much-needed attention and exercise, and we get a mellow puppy (okay, well, SORT OF mellow puppy). He's been a great running partner and they go about twice a week, and in between he still goes on his regular walks with the rest of the family.

Yeah, there's a reason she hides from us sometimes...

Fox has been our little troublemaker as of late. She is incredibly bright, and her favorite thing is to turn the water on in the yard and play in the muddy mess she makes. It got so bad Jen had to take her to get bathed. It only lasted a few hours: as soon as she was outside, she did it again. We brushed all her dirt out and she stayed clean this weekend, but we have to clean her again before we go to bed.

Before. Actually, she was worse :-/

What a look!
After: A clean Fox!

We also have had some guests over. We puppy-sat a 6-month old husky puppy a few weekends, and he loves coming over to play with our crazies. And our neighbor dog (the same husky Jake wants to meet) came over to our yard this past Monday. Fortunately, she came right up to Jeff, who leashed her and held onto her until we realized she was our neighbors and we returned her a few hours lately. It's pretty apparent that we are just a doggy epicenter!