... But we are still here!
It's been INSANELY crazy here in Perry-land. We have had a lot of little things going on and here's just a brief update on everyone:
In January, Jen celebrated her birthday. It was fun and we spent the actual birthday celebration in San Francisco, going to museums, hanging out, and just taking it easy. She also had a "girls day" where she hung out with her friends and just relaxed, which was what she wanted.
February seemed to be an interesting month for us. We took Chris in to his vet visit and they told us that he lost a lot of weight and to give him some pills to help his liver. The numbers were very elevated, and despite the medication, he lost weight even faster. We opted for a scan, and the vet found cancer in his spleen. It turns out that Chris has lymphoma, and we have been taking him to a specialist for chemotherapy. So far he has done well. He put on all his weight (and then some), his diet is back to normal and after the first two treatments he was considered clinically in remission. We hope to get another scan of his spleen soon to see if there's any change, but for now he's still our happy boy.
Because of this, we decided to have a "family trip" with the dogs, and so we drove up to Donner Pass together to have a snow day. We had always talked about going to the snow with our sort-of huskies, and we thought now would be as good a time as any. We didn't think that Kandi, at 14 and highly arthritic, would appreciate the cold, so we left her with Jen's sister while Chris, Fox and Jake came with us. We were sure that Chris would hate the snow; after all, this is a dog that can't stand dirt, getting wet, or anything remotely dirty. But he LOVED it! We posted a video on our Facebook pages of him galloping through the snow like a puppy. We took plenty of pictures so the day is documented, and we hope to go again next year with a cancer-free Chris!
Jen also started back in school... sort of. She was not able to get a clinical site to do her externship, so although she is enrolled, she hasn't started actual classes yet. This will change in about a month when she will have to take 3 courses. Her graduation date is set for December 2015, which feels like a long way away, but it'll be here soon!
Jeff is continuing to progress at New York Life. He has expanded some, and can now do policies in California, Arizona and Utah, with other states on the horizon once his business grows. He is also looking into taking the Series 6 and Series 63, so that he can continue to expand his services.
Jen's work is continuing to expand as well. In February Easter Seals broke into regions and now Jen has only clients that are close to home. They have changed her schedule around a little but she is now set with four clients and continues to work Tuesdays-Saturdays. Now that there are more staff members, she can look into taking days off as needed, something that was a problem for a while there!
Just as work started to have a normal routine, Jeff was given a calling at church to be the branch clerk. Basically, this means he helps out with the finances with the Spanish branch (congregation) that shares our building. This means that Jeff, after meetings and everything else, spends around 5 hours at church on Sundays. This puts a little kibosh on the one shared day off we have, but we have managed to get in fun date nights or dinners here and there. Also we have finally joined a gym after trying to figure out which one to join for the past 6 months. City Sports hasn't opened yet (they are planning on it sometime this week) but it'll be fun to hit the gym together to swim or play raquetball.
We hope everyone else is doing well and hope you enjoy hearing about our updates. Hopefully more pictures and fun adventures will be posted on this blog. Stay tuned!
Book Review:The Paris Novel by Ruth Reichi
1 week ago